Questions To Consider When Deciding To Purchase Telestroke Technology For Your Hospital

If a stroke should occur, getting people treatment as quickly as humanly possible is critical in making sure that they are able to successfully recover and move on with their lives. The longer a person is delayed the treatment, the harder it is going to be for that person to recover. The problem is that smaller hospitals are not able to evaluate whether or not a person has had a stroke as easily as larger hospitals or stroke research centers. Read More 

Precautions To Take When You Have A Stinging Insect Allergy

When you find out that you have a stinging insect allergy (like a bee sting allergy), you may wonder if you will ever feel safe spending time outside in the spring or summer again. However, just because you have an allergy to insect stings does not mean that you have to limit yourself to indoor recreation only. There are numerous steps that you can take to keep yourself safe and to deal with your stinging insect allergy so that you can continue to get out and about and enjoy your life no matter what season it is and no matter what stinging insect allergy you are dealing with. Read More 

3 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Hearing Aids

If you have hearing aids, you know just how amazing and helpful they can be for you. However, in order to keep them functioning at their optimal level, it is crucial that you take the best care of them that you possibly can. There are certain things that you can do on a regular basis to ensure that your hearing aids are going to work as they should and are going to last you for as long as possible. Read More 

Prepare For Victory: Face Super Lice Head On With Your Own Super Lice-Fighting Kit

When kids get lice, many parents panic, feel ashamed, or can't shake a feeling of being "dirty." Once they learn about super lice, the relentless outbreaks of head lice all over the U.S. and all of the new treatments available, no parent should feel alone, ashamed, or outgunned. If lice haven't hit your home, or they have in the past but not this year (yet), plan ahead and create a head lice survival kit. Read More 

2 Ways You Can Help Prevent Prostrate Cancer And Treatment Options If You Get It

According to the American Cancer Society, one in seven men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime. There are also 26,120 deaths from this type of cancer each year. You should be checked for prostate cancer by your doctor regularly. Your doctor will decide at what age this should be started and how often this is. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help lower your chances of developing prostate cancer. Read More